Optimization of Digital Transformation Projects

Digital Transformation programs often fail or do not obtain the expected results due to some factors:

  • Employees do not have the necessary expertise in new disciplines required for the program;
  • Unavailability of models and Frameworks that help and accelerate the achievement of program deliverables;
  • Difficulty in adapting systemic solutions and integrating them between and with new systems;
  • Lack of clear and aligned vision and goals; among others.


The use of industry standards and team training solves these critical success factors above. Among these standards, we highlight the TM Forum’s “Open Digital Framework” (ODF), illustrated in the figure below.

The ODF is made up of an architecture called “Open Digital Architecture” (ODA), a set of guidelines, concepts, governance principles and a set of transformation guidelines. This Framework is the result of a great effort by TM Forum members involving hundreds of experts representing the entire industry’s global value chain. Currently, several companies have adopted ODF/ODA as a reference for their digital ecosystem implementations. That’s why Automatum uses this Framework as a tool for validating and optimizing Digital Transformation Programs for its clients.

The use of ODA makes it possible to reduce project risks, timelines and costs, due to the use of several assets that the architecture offers:

  1. Business Capability Framework: to define the list of capabilities necessary to support the project’s Value Proposition;
  2. Business Process Framework (eTOM): the model was evolved to support the new demands and requirements of digital ecosystems;
  3. Information Framework (SID): linked to the eTOM Framework with all the information used by the processes;
  4. Functional Framework (FF): created from the TAM Application Framework, but defining more granular functionality for defining microservices object of the ODA;
  5. Functional Architecture: composed of 5 functional blocks and mapping eTOM processes, SID information classes (ABEs), and Open APIs;
  6. Integration Framework: composed of a set of Open APIs, a de facto market standard and already incorporated into commercial systems from the main global suppliers.

The figure below illustrates the life cycle of obtaining solutions based on ODA:

Automatum has certified and qualified consultants in all these assets to help optimize and converge your Digital Transformation Program.